While both the pediatric and adult algorithms are considered complete, we have identified several areas for additional research and potential enhancement.

Pediatric algorithm - carried forward adjustments

An experiment in re-assessing pediatric height measurements initially marked as Exclude-Carried-Forward based on growth velocity is included in the current version of this package.

Because of the complexity involved in this approach, this is implemented as an independent function with its own driver script for further study. Our hope is to revise this strategy, and, if feasible, incorporate it into the main cleangrowth() algorithm.

Running the experiment

The primary function is called adjustcarryforward(), and is implemented in the file R/adjustcarryforward.R. It is separate from the main R/growth.R file as it is set up to be run separately, using the output from cleangrowth(). The adjustcarryforward() function is available in the main package namespace.

The primary tools for running this function are the script exec/testadjustcf.R and the function testacf(). These will run the experimental function on an existing dataset (specified as a CSV file or data frame) and pass it a sweep of parameter values for testing the new strategy. This tool will produce a combined output file or list that includes the original result alongside the resulting re-inclusion determination for each measurement for each parameter value run.

For example, if you have run cleangrowth() on the syngrowth synthetic data set provided with growthcleanr as described in the main README.md file, save it to a CSV file for exec/testadjustcf.R:

> fwrite(cleaned_data, "cleaned.csv", row.names = F)

For testacf(), keep cleaned_data in your environment. Note that the column names should be as described for cleaned_data the Example under Quickstart.

To use exec/testadjustcf.R, first navigate to the growthcleanr package directory in the command line. Then execute the sweep script is executed from the command line on the cleaned data file for as follows (with the assumption that cleaned.csv is in your current directory; otherwise, make sure to specify the path relative to your current directory):

Rscript exec/testadjustcf.R cleaned.csv

To use testacf(), run the following in the console (with cleaned_data in the environment):

result_list <- testacf(cleaned_data)

This result_list will contain 2 or 3 objects; - testacf_res: a data frame with adjustcarryforward results for each run - params: a data frame containing the parameters for each run - debug_filtered_data: data frame with original data, returned if debug is TRUE

By default, the script/function will generate a range of values with nine steps for the following parameters, where the min and max surround the default value:

parameter default min max
minfactor 0.5 0 1
maxfactor 2 0 4
banddiff 3 0 6
banddiff_plus 5.5 0 11
min_ht.exp_under 2 0 4
min_ht.exp_over 0 -1 1
max_ht.exp_under 0.33 0 0.66
max_ht.exp_over 1.5 0 3

The determination of these values depends on the search type (specified with the option --searchtype (script)/argument searchtype (function):

  • random (default): Values will be generated randomly, with equal amounts of values on either side of the midpoint. The midpoint is always included.

    • Note that if an even number is specified for --gridlength/grid.length, one will be added to include the midpoint in the run.
    • A random seed can be specified with --seed/seed (default 7).
  • line-grid: Values will be evenly distributed along the range for each parameter. If the --gridlength/grid.length specified is odd, this will include the midpoint.

  • full-grid: Values for each included parameter will evenly distributed along the range for each parameter and in a full combination between all parameters.

    • Thus, the amount of runs done will be the --gridlength/gridlength^(number of included parameters).
    • Default includes a full grid search among all parameters. To specify use of only specific parameters, use the --param/param option, which specifies a CSV of the following format:
    parameter include value
    minfactor T
    maxfactor F 3
    banddiff F
    banddiff_plus F
    min_ht.exp_under T
    min_ht.exp_over F
    max_ht.exp_under F .5
    max_ht.exp_over F
    • The first column specifies all the parameter names; the second specifies a true or false value for whether or not the parameter should be included; the third specifies a constant value to be used for not included parameters, left empty if the value should be the default.
    • In the above example, minfactor and min_ht.exp_under will be included, and maxfactor and max_ht_exp_under will not be included, but will use 3 and .5 as their values.
    • Warning: this will take much longer!

The default number of sweep steps is 9; this can be changed with the option --gridlength/gridlength.

For testing options of handling strings of multiple carried forward values, several options from 0 to 3 have been incorporated. 0 (no change) is the default option, and can be changed --exclude_opt/exclude_opt. More information on each option can be found in the adjustcarryforward() documentation.

In addition to multiple options for carried-forward strings, “answers” for a given dataset have been incorporated. When the --add_answers flag/add_answers argument is set to TRUE (TRUE by default), a column called acf_answers will have, for each height value, “Definitely Exclude”, “Definitely Include”, or “Unknown” (if it does not fall in either category). Weight values are set as NA.

For example, for a 9-step sweep with the default search type, random, the parameters passed to the function in each pass will be:

run minfactor   maxfactor   banddiff    banddiff_plus   min_ht.exp_under    min_ht.exp_over max_ht.exp_under    max_ht.exp_over
1   0.494454649 0.331710969 1.681997601 5.438065292 0.371428523 -0.200524185    0.296497153 0.244186167
2   0.198872727 0.918207332 0.0261138   0.361051567 0.370286443 -0.618056939    0.318943811 0.280842425
3   0.057848889 0.343496154 2.957211272 3.448713172 0.758593493 -0.240298769    0.189112731 0.586874211
4   0.034874339 0.462954204 0.949754412 2.697612725 1.694048784 -0.563224398    0.237626234 0.410851815
5   0.5 2   3   5.5 2   0   0.33    1.5
6   0.621874695 3.545623892 4.918346826 10.84063427 2.996152267 0.904217721 0.585439346 1.787876622
7   0.896005213 2.192603083 3.885669706 7.492214661 3.581171147 0.319534914 0.537161064 2.25658771
8   0.670031176 2.90689554  5.990111082 9.239964036 3.676927744 0.082569093 0.568586483 2.645760535
9   0.98603125  2.169401426 5.718063961 6.950459617 2.91380773  0.816289079 0.457654322 2.540503306

In a 9-step sweep with a line-grid search type, the parameters passed to the function in each pass will be:

run  minfactor  maxfactor  banddiff  banddiff_plus  min_ht.exp_under  min_ht.exp_over  max_ht.exp_under  max_ht.exp_over
1    0          0          0         0              0                 -1               0                 0
2    0.125      0.5        0.75      1.375          0.5               -0.75            0.0825            0.375
3    0.25       1          1.5       2.75           1                 -0.5             0.165             0.75
4    0.375      1.5        2.25      4.125          1.5               -0.25            0.2475            1.125
5    0.5        2          3         5.5            2                 0                0.33              1.5
6    0.625      2.5        3.75      6.875          2.5               0.25             0.4125            1.875
7    0.75       3          4.5       8.25           3                 0.5              0.495             2.25
8    0.875      3.5        5.25      9.625          3.5               0.75             0.5775            2.625
9    1          4          6         11             4                 1                0.66              3

In a 3-step sweep with a full-grid search type, with the --param CSV/param data frame specified as in the above example, the parameters passed to the function in each pass will be:

run minfactor maxfactor banddiff banddiff_plus min_ht.exp_under min_ht.exp_over max_ht.exp_under max_ht.exp_over
1       0.0         3        3           5.5                0               0              0.5             1.5
2       0.5         3        3           5.5                0               0              0.5             1.5
3       1.0         3        3           5.5                0               0              0.5             1.5
4       0.0         3        3           5.5                2               0              0.5             1.5
5       0.5         3        3           5.5                2               0              0.5             1.5
6       1.0         3        3           5.5                2               0              0.5             1.5
7       0.0         3        3           5.5                4               0              0.5             1.5
8       0.5         3        3           5.5                4               0              0.5             1.5
9       1.0         3        3           5.5                4               0              0.5             1.5

For the script, the output in the working directory will contain the sweep parameters, like the above, in a file called test_adjustcarrforward_DATE_TIME_parameters.csv, and the output with adjustment results in a file called test_adjustcarrforward_DATE_TIME.csv, where DATE and TIME are the system date and time. For the function, a list will be returned with the parameters as a data.frame in the params entry and output adjustment results as a data.frame in the testacf_res entry.

For example, a 5-step sweep with the line-grid search would be run with this command:

Rscript exec/textadjustcf.R --gridlength 5 --searchtype line-grid cleaned.csv

or with this function execution:

result_list <- testacf(
  grid.length = 5,
  searchtype = "line-grid"

The parameter set for the sweep in file test_adjustcarrforward_DATE_TIME_parameters.csv (script)/params data frame of result_list (function) would be:

run  minfactor  maxfactor  banddiff  banddiff_plus  min_ht.exp_under  min_ht.exp_over  max_ht.exp_under  max_ht.exp_over
1    0          0          0         0              0                 -1               0                 0
2    0.25       1          1.5       2.75           1                 -0.5             0.165             0.75
3    0.5        2          3         5.5            2                 0                0.33              1.5
4    0.75       3          4.5       8.25           3                 0.5              0.495             2.25
5    1          4          6         11             4                 1                0.66              3

Note that an odd-numbered length will include the default values in the middle run of the sweep (hence the examples with 5 and 9 step sweeps).

And the first few result rows in test_adjustcarrforward_DATE_TIME.csv (script)/testacf_res data frame of result_list (function) would be:

id     subjid    sex  agedays  param     measurement  gcr_result                      run-1      run-2      run-3      run-4      run-5
1510   775155    0    889      HEIGHTCM  84.9         Exclude-Extraneous-Same-Day Missing    Missing    Missing    Missing    Missing
1511   775155    0    889      HEIGHTCM  89.06        Include                     No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change
1512   775155    0    1071     HEIGHTCM  92.5         Include                     No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change
1513   775155    0    1253     HEIGHTCM  96.2         Include                     No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change
1514   775155    0    1435     HEIGHTCM  96.2         Exclude-Carried-Forward     No Change  No Change  Include    Include    Include
1515   775155    0    1435     HEIGHTCM  99.692       Include                     No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change
1516   775155    0    1806     HEIGHTCM  106.1        Include                     No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change
1517   775155    0    2177     HEIGHTCM  112.3        Include                     No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change
1518   775155    0    889      WEIGHTKG  13.1         Include                     No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change

The fifth row in the example above demonstrates the results of the experimental script; for runs 1 and 2, the result is not changed, but for runs 3-5, the measurement is adjusted for reinclusion. To demonstrate the range, the following is an extract of measurements only marked as carried forward exclusions by cleangrowth():

id     subjid     sex  agedays  param     measurement  gcr_result                   run-1      run-2      run-3      run-4      run-5
1514   775155     0    1435     HEIGHTCM  96.2         Exclude-Carried-Forward  No Change  No Change  Include    Include    Include
1521   775155     0    1435     WEIGHTKG  15.3         Exclude-Carried-Forward  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change
7952   1340377    1    1806     HEIGHTCM  107.1        Exclude-Carried-Forward  No Change  Include    Include    Include    Include
7967   1340377    1    1806     WEIGHTKG  18.4         Exclude-Carried-Forward  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change
41775  3643526    1    1253     HEIGHTCM  87.808       Exclude-Carried-Forward  Include    Include    Include    Include    Include
44901  3706097    0    4032     HEIGHTCM  138.8        Exclude-Carried-Forward  No Change  Include    Include    Include    Include
30011  5792371    1    3661     HEIGHTCM  145.4        Exclude-Carried-Forward  No Change  Include    Include    Include    Include
30013  5792371    1    4032     HEIGHTCM  145.4        Exclude-Carried-Forward  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change
30016  5792371    1    1071     WEIGHTKG  15.9         Exclude-Carried-Forward  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change  No Change

Some of these values are not adjusted at all; one is from run 1 on, a few are from run 2 on, and one is from run 3 on.

Adult algorithm - potential enhancements

The adult algorithm added in release 2.0 is complete, but has some known limitations that present areas for future research and enhancement. These areas are enumerated below.

We welcome your ideas on these or any additional enhancements via email, tickets, or pull requests.

Any active work on these areas will be ticketed and managed through GitHub.

“Evil twins”

In some cases, runs of two or three similar - but not necessarily identical - deviant weights can occur, which are difficult to detect. One approach to address these could involve modifying the moderate EWMA step, but capturing these reliably may be a very challenging task.

Moderate EWMA adjustments

A number of adjustments are possible to improve this step, such as tweaks to the weight change allowance, polation, and prioritization. This might require fewer changes to code but more extensive testing to ensure confidence in new threshold numbers/details.

Loosen criteria on hundreds, unit errors, etc.

The criteria for some of these steps may be loosened to catch more implausible values. For unit error correction, we could consider having two levels: one suitable for correction, the other not.

Number of height loss events

While maintaining overall height loss limits, we could allow for the possibility of more height loss events rather than assuming height loss will occur in no more than two big jumps.

Error load

We could consider a change so that error load is not triggered if the only exclusions are for heights 3+D outside of w2.